fifth biggest meaning in English
- Looked from the quantity , our country already was the world agricultural product fifth big exports and the fourth big import country
从数量上看,我国已经是世界农产品第五大出口国和第四大进口国。 - The deal increases citigroup ' s branch network in korea from 12 to 234 , while credit card customers will increase from 600 , 000 to 4m and citigroup will become the fifth biggest korean financial business by revenues
该宗交易令花旗集团在韩国的分支网络从12家增加到234家,信用卡用户将从60万增加到400万人,按总收入排名,花旗集团将成为韩国第五大金融机构。 - Hyundai , the fifth biggest automaker in terms of sales in china last year , almost tripled its sales last year after it slashed prices by an average of 10 percent in september . the seoul - based company more than doubled its sales in china in the first quarter to 56 , 064 cars . it is aiming to sell 1 million cars in china by 2010 , a fifth of the country s market share for passenger buses
去年“天帅系列”先后获得了“ 04年中国客车最佳设计理念奖”以及“ 04年中国十大客车车型”的殊荣js6891h客车在上海客车博览会上屡获好评专门为上海市场设计的js6102gh公交客车获得了“最佳安全装备奖”今年6月,针对中型客车市场的天js6891h系列将向市场全面推出。 - This is the fifth biggest spread media after " newspaper , journal , broadcast and tv " . this is not only a large - scale color television set , but also a large - scale color computer display . it can play all kinds of color tv image , letters and drawing figures all the day , these new information dissemination was broadly used in public like large - scale palaestra , exhibition gallery and station place etc . the huge color image which is up to hundred square meters can be watched by over 10000 people at the same time
国内led显示屏市场保持待续增长,主要集中应用于证件交易金融信息显示机场航班动态信息显示港口车站旅客引导信息显示,体育场馆信息显示道路交通信息显示调度指挥中心信息显示,邮政电信商场购物中心等服务领域的业务宣传及信息显示,广告媒体新产品,演出和集会,展览和租赁等国际上led显示屏的应用范围主要集中在户外广告和体育,其次是交通和演出,另外包括展览租赁集会等和各种场合。 - In the face of increasingly fierce domestic and international competition from various brand computer makers of china ' s it industry , founder pc has successfully maintained the second biggest market share in china over the last several years . especially , in the third quarter of 2002 , founder pc got the fifth biggest pc market share in pacific and asia for the very first time
在中国it市场,方正电脑虽然面临国内外众多知名品牌电脑强有力的竞争,但几年来一直保持较高的速度健康增长,其国内市场占有率一直保持在第二位, 2002年第三季度更是首次冲入亚太前五名。